The Great Equation

We were performing measurements when it stroke us as a lightning. It had been in front of our eyes since ever.

The Great Equation was written mostly during the 1849 winter. We knew then that the world would be changed forever.

The presentation of our results at the Düsseldorf Academy of Sciences raised a lot of interest among the noble members.

The public reaction to the Great Equation announcement, and our ensuing incarceration, although unjustified, were endured by Julius and me with always the greatest faith in our own discovery.

The writing, and the publishing of our plaquette, through clandestine publishers, soon shone the light on what was an unavoidable truth and eyes opened.

Our rehabilitation eventually happened as an inevitable victory.

Soon we reached the highest levels of the Academy.

Our full grip on the power was only a logical consequence of the importance of our Message.

And now, at the dusk of my life, after pondering extensively,

I contemplate the work I have achieved, and am still in awe before its great meaning:


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