# I am not sure that renaming the IfcImport module to ifc_wrapper will work... IfcImport was how the old module was... Commenting post [175](/?blog/2014-175): I am not sure that renaming the IfcImport module to ifc_wrapper will work... IfcImport was how the old module was called, but when the IfcOpenShell developer switched it to the new system (ifcopenshell.py + ifc_wrapper, he might have changed more things than just the name... Probably your error comes from there. I think youu should either get the older, "stable" version of IfcOpenShell from sourceforge, it is still supported by FreeCAD, but doesn't have export capabilities, or take the newest one from github, which, once compiled, should not give you an IfcImport module anymore, but already have ifc_wrapper. About 32bits FreeCAD on 64bits windows, I think it should normally work, but you are not the only one to experience problems, several people reported problems on the freecad forum. I suggest you have a look there or ask help there if needed,I cannot help much with the windows platform...